Submit Stack settlements and attestations

Stack Settlement Management

Try Settle Stacks

POST /try_settle_stack_ids

Submits a transaction to attempt settling one or more stacks for a node.

Request Body

    "stack_small_ids": [123, 456],
    "num_claimed_compute_units": 50,
    "node_small_id": 789,
    "gas": "0x789",
    "gas_budget": 1000,
    "gas_price": 10

Request Fields

  • stack_small_ids (array of integers): IDs of the stacks to settle

  • num_claimed_compute_units (integer): Number of compute units being claimed for settlement

  • node_small_id (integer, optional): ID of the node settling the stacks

  • gas (string): Object ID of the gas object to pay for the transaction

  • gas_budget (integer): Maximum gas units allowed for the transaction

  • gas_price (integer): Price per gas unit in MIST

Response Status Codes

  • 200 OK: Successfully submitted settlement transactions

  • 500 Internal Server Error: Failed to submit transactions or retrieve stack data


    "tx_digests": ["0xabc", "0xdef"]

Response Fields

  • tx_digests (array of strings): Array of transaction digests, one for each stack settlement attempt

Submit Stack Settlement Attestations

POST /submit_stack_settlement_attestations

Submits attestation proof transactions for one or more stacks in settlement.

Request Body

    "stack_small_ids": [123, 456],
    "node_small_id": 789,
    "gas": "0x789",
    "gas_budget": 1000,
    "gas_price": 10

Request Fields

  • stack_small_ids (array of integers): IDs of the stacks requiring attestation

  • node_small_id (integer, optional): ID of the attesting node (if omitted, uses all registered nodes)

  • gas (string): Object ID of the gas object to pay for the transaction

  • gas_budget (integer): Maximum gas units allowed for the transaction

  • gas_price (integer): Price per gas unit in MIST

Response Status Codes

  • 200 OK: Successfully submitted attestation transactions

  • 500 Internal Server Error: Failed to submit transactions or retrieve necessary data


    "tx_digests": ["0xabc", "0xdef"]

Response Fields

  • tx_digests (array of strings): Array of transaction digests, one for each successful attestation submission


  • Stack Settlement Process:

    1. Node attempts to settle stacks by submitting proof of computation

    2. Other nodes must provide attestations to verify the computation

    3. Settlement completes when required attestations are received

  • Important Considerations:

    • The attestation node index is offset by 1 (0th index reserved for original selected node)

    • Multiple attestations may be required for each stack

    • Each stack generates its own transaction digest

    • Failed attestations must be retried separately

Example Error Responses

    "error": "Failed to get stack total hash"
    "error": "Failed to submit node attestation proof tx"
    "error": "Failed to parse attestation nodes"

Last updated