Submit new node registration transaction

Here's the documentation for the Node Registration endpoint following the established schema:

Node Registration

Register Node

POST /register

Submits a transaction to register a new node in the network.

Request Body

    "gas": "0x123",
    "gas_budget": 1000, # optional
    "gas_price": 10 # optional

Request Fields

  • gas (string): Object ID of the gas object to pay for the transaction

  • gas_budget (integer): Maximum gas units allowed for the transaction

  • gas_price (integer): Price per gas unit in MIST (smallest currency unit)

Response Status Codes

  • 200 OK: Successfully submitted node registration transaction

  • 500 Internal Server Error: Failed to submit the transaction


    "tx_digest": "0xabc"

Response Fields

  • tx_digest (string): Transaction digest that can be used to track the transaction status

Example Error Response

    "error": "Failed to submit node registration tx"


  • Node registration is required before participating in any network activities

  • The gas object must be owned by the wallet submitting the transaction

  • The transaction digest can be used to:

    • Track transaction status

    • Verify successful registration

    • Retrieve the node badge object ID

  • After successful registration, the node will receive a unique node badge and small ID

  • Gas budget should be set appropriately to ensure transaction completion

Last updated